When using Livelink to link face capture, there will be a deformation bug, but the test animation of the face does not have this problem, I don't know how to solve it

When using Livelink to link face capture, there will be a deformation bug, but the test animation of the face does not have

this problem, I don’t know how to solve it

There is no problem using the animation blueprint to test 51 BSs, and there will be no bugs in the mouth, but after linking to the live link, as long as you do the action of opening your mouth, this effect will appear. I don’t know where the problem is.

I am having the same issue, most present when trying to smile. Hoping for a fix soon!

Hey guys I’m having this issue too

The character is supposed to be smiling normally here but this is completely not a natural smile.

Even here I tried a different test by closing my left eye and raising mouth to the left side but as you can see here it’s doing the mouth correctly but for some reason it’s closing the right eye and opening the left eye like it’s completely not right even though I have calibrated the neutral pose.
BTW I’m doing this on Unreal Engine 5 I have yet tested it on 4.26 and 4.27 to see if it’s doing the same thing over there