When using LiveLink Face on Metahuman, the face is distorted in version 5.0.2

Hello everyone.

I’m a newbie in Unreal Engine and I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to post my question here.

I have been doing motion captures successfully in Unreal Engine version 4.27.2 and 4.26.2 by connecting my iPhone Xs with LiveLink Face to MetaHumans.

However, in Unreal Engine 5.0.2, even though the exact same procedure(as described below) is applied, the MetaHumans’ faces(mostly lower parts) are distorted as in the image I attached.

-The procedure I use-
1)Make a project and set up the necessary plugins(Apple ARKit and Livelink etc.).
2)Import a MetaHuman(one of either original presets or my custom models) with Quixel bridge to the project.
3)Drag the blue print(All → Contents → MetaHumans → Name → BP_Name(such as “BP_Vivian”) file) to the viewport.
4)Select my iPhone name at “LLink Face Subj” option in the “Defaults” section of the “Details” tab.
5)After launching the “Live Link Face” app on my iPhone, make expressions towards the camera.
6)Play in simulate mode.
7)Result: Works perfectly in version 4.2x, but the MetaHuman’s face is distorted in version 5.02

I also submitted a bug report yesterday.

As you all know, Unreal Engine 5 uses the ‘Mesh to MetaHuman’ feature to quickly create any custom character you want.

So from now on, I was going to start using it in earnest, but I’m frustrated that this kind of problem occurs.

I would appreciate it if you could review this issue referring to the attached image.

Thank you in advance.


I am also having trouble with UE 5.0.2, as I am confirming the exact same phenomenon.

I am looking for a solution.

A temporary walkaround was posted on this forum, and when I applied it as described in that post, my problem was resolved.

Posting by Gameron2:

Required Actions:

Overwiter files in “Mocap” folder of UE v5.02(UE5.02 project folder - Content - MetaHumans - Common -Common - Mocap) with files in “Mocap” folder of UE v4.2x(UE4 project folder - Content - MetaHumans - Common -Common - Mocap.

In case you need to restore the original state later, back up or rename the original files in UE5.02 Mocap folder before overwrite them.

The files in “Mocap” folder are “mh_arkit_mapping_pose.uasset” and “mh_arkit_mapping_anim.uasset” in my case.


Are you able to make the 4.x Mocap files (“mh_arkit_mapping_pose.uasset” and “mh_arkit_mapping_anim.uasset”) available online for download? I don’t have this engine version installed and my hard drive is out of space.

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I attached two files in the Mocap folder of Unreal Engine version 4.27 in a zip file.

Be sure to back up your original version 5.02 mocap files before overwriting them with the files I uploaded, because you may need to restore them in case an error occurs.
UE427_MocapFolderFiles.zip (32.3 KB)