When to use UFUNCTION() macro?

When is it appropriate to use UFUNCTION() macro? Right now it’s above all my functions but has it got any downsides when i just leave it with empty brackets? Does it have any effect on performance? What about overriden functions, should/can i use UFUNCTION on them too?


#Uses of UFUNCTION()

  • anything involving keybinding / action mapping
  • OnRep functions in multiplayer
  • Server/Client functions
  • functions to be executed via console command



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BlueprintCallable! etc. :smiley:

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Has UFUNCTION’ing every function has any downsides?

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You’ll have more generated code that you might not need. It will increase compile times some along with executable size.

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complementing Rama’s answer: whenever you use “void BindUFunction( UObject* InObject, const FName& InFunctionName )” for binding delegates.

For instance when you want to use FTimeline:

FOnTimelineFloat InterpFloatFunction = FOnTimelineFloat();
InterpFloatFunction.BindUFunction(this, "ThisFunctionShouldBeMarkedAsUFunction");
FTimeline MyTimeline = FTimeline();
MyTimeline.AddInterpFloat(SomeCurve, InterpFloatFunction, "InterpFloatFunctionName");