I created a wood material inside of Substance Designer which has a lot of bumps, knots and cracks that have displacement. I want to use this material on walls that need to appear old and it needs to be real displacement.
The issue i have is that i want to apply the material to a model in painter but don’t now if i should displace it before bringing it into painter, inside of painter, or after painter inside Unreal.
If i displace it after painter, then it may come out different than i imagined. Displacing it inside painter may slow down the program a lot because i intend to use up to a few hundrerd thousand polygons.
(A model with this many polygons is actually only a few Megabytes when using Nanite in Unreal so it is not really a problem since i will make everything modular. I’m trying to find a workflow to create high detail models but most sources bake to low poly without any displacement or defining silhouette on the model, and almost every tutorial on Nanite meshes uses Megascans).
Thanks for any help!