I tried this in two different projects, and the result is the same. I want to build a project from the ground up with networking in mind, and my understanding is that if I take a default third person C++ template, set number of players to 2, and hit Play in a new editor window, I should be able to move around the server player and then move around the client player. For the record, the dedicated server option is not selected. The server window gets all the updates of the client, but it won’t accept any movement input or mouse input to move the camera (I tried a controller as well; no luck). If I Alt+Tab to the client window, the client player character moves around just fine, and I can see him move in the server window. When I Alt+Tab back to the server window, still nothing.
There’s probably something super obvious here that I’m missing, because this is pretty basic stuff, but I don’t see what I’m doing wrong.
EDIT: I found the solution! Thanks to Game Developer Dave and his video here for pointing out what’s wrong. The template character was defaulted to auto-possess, so the server player character wasn’t being possessed properly. This must only be a problem in newer versions of the engines. His demo was in 4.11, and I’m in 4.12, but the other tutorials I’ve found were for 4.7 or earlier.