Hello so here i’m confronted to a problem.
I implemented a simple reload mechanic interacting with some of my character’s properties.
So My character has 3 state : Alive, Guarding and Exhausted.
When the character reloads i want him to be exhausted so here is what i came with a really simple solution
So when the player wants to reload i call an event and i set his bomb number to the max, really simple.
Where is the problem will yu ask ?
The problem is i’m a bit OCD when it comes to function i would really really like that this chunk of nodes to be in a function. The problem is i can’t use Delays in my function. So here what i came up with :
I created a function “Unexhaust” that toggle exhaust to false and call it through a timer
Yet i’m really not happy with making a function for each of my character states.
Also i know i could do it in the InitBomb node but i don’t like putting unrelated states change in function that are not meant to.
So my question is how do i handle characters state the most efficiently possible.
Thank you.