hi … i have character that creates widget (it shows the health and ammo)
when his health hit 0 or less (by taking damages)
it should remove the widget(UMG) from parent
{so when i respawn they don’t conflict (shows 2 UMGs on the screen)}
i work on multiplayer game so when any character remove his widget from parent it remove from the other clients too
and when respown new character and creates its own widget (and add it to view port) its returns the widgets to the other clients as well
Where you place your UMG code? It sounds you place it somewhere global and everything replicates to all clients, why don’t you try putting it in HUD class or atleast… PlayerState?
i placed it in the character it self
ill try to place it in the HUD … what do u think it better replace it in Hud or Player State ?? and why
i see in multiplayer shootout they call the UMG in the player controller
i tried it on HUD and the player controller its the same when i try to remove the umg from parent it removes from all claints