When I open the ‘Epic Launcher’ it opens a window with the title ‘update wird überpüft’ (German for update is analysed or checked). Below the title there’s a download bar and underneath that it says ‘‘0,0B/0,0B (0,0B/s)’’. When finished downloading it reopens and the process happens again and again. Also, if I close the programme it opens a window called ‘‘Unreal Engine 4 Crash reporter’’. Please help. I don’t have to go to school currently and I want to play Fortnite.
I have another Fortnight until I have to go to school. (pun intended)
Nevermind. It works now. I compromised the epic launcher( I use a mac ), opened the .zip version and renamed the new ‘Epic Launcher’. Then I opened the renamed ‘Epic Launcher’ and it worked. Don’t know whether it was me who fixed the problem.