Hey, I was making a Touch Logic in which when you swipe the screen The camera moves,When I added The Yaw and Pitch Rotation it worked great But the sensitivity was very high so I first Multiplied the Yaw and Pitch Values by WorldDeltaSeconds but The Camera Moved Unusually so instead of delta seconds I divided the value by 5 but still the The Camera moved unusually, when I printed the log of the value divided by 5 I got to see that the divided value is bigger than the non divided one, this was same too with the Delta Seconds, I wrote the same code in blueprints and executed it, it worked fine, but in C++ I got errors,
This is The Video of The Error-
Video file here
Please, can anyone help me to figure out this error?
This is My Code-
//.h file-
bool IsTouchMoved();
bool TouchP;
bool TouchMoved;
FVector2D CurrTouchMoved;
FVector2D PrevTouchMoved;
float X;
float Y;
float PrevX;
float PrevY;
bool DidOnce;
bool IsTouched;
//In Tick-
FVector2D TouchLocation;
APlayerController* ActivePlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, TouchLocation.X, TouchLocation.Y, IsTouched);
if (!IsTouched)
DidOnce = false;
if (IsTouchMoved())
if (!DidOnce)
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, PrevX, PrevY, IsTouched);
DidOnce = true;
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, X, Y, IsTouched);
AddControllerYawInput(X - PrevX / 5);
AddControllerPitchInput(Y - PrevY / 5);
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, PrevX, PrevY, IsTouched);
//In Begin Play-
DidOnce = false;
//In bool IsTouchMoved()-
APlayerController* ActivePlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, CurrTouchMoved.X, CurrTouchMoved.Y, TouchP);
CurrTouchMoved.X = (int32)CurrTouchMoved.X;
CurrTouchMoved.Y = (int32)CurrTouchMoved.Y;
if (CurrTouchMoved != PrevTouchMoved)
TouchMoved = true;
else if (CurrTouchMoved == PrevTouchMoved)
TouchMoved = false;
ActivePlayerController->GetInputTouchState(ETouchIndex::Touch1, PrevTouchMoved.X, PrevTouchMoved.Y, TouchP);
PrevTouchMoved.X = (int32)PrevTouchMoved.X;
PrevTouchMoved.Y = (int32)PrevTouchMoved.Y;
return TouchMoved;