If you are in object space, and you have rotated your mesh and you use the free move (by dragging in the little triangle of the move gizmo then it moves in the wrong direction and does not follow the mouse drag direction. It does not exhibit this behavior in world space mode.
Hello Hyperloop,
I’m not seeing the behavior you’re describing. Could you please give me more detailed steps that i can take to reproduce this issue? Also, which version of UE4 are you using?
- Add a static mesh to your scene
- Make sure your gizmo is in object space mode
- Move to front or side view
- Rotate item by 90 degrees
- Switch the gizmo to move mode
- Attempt to move the object in the scene by grabbing the free move part of the gizmo (the little square that’s at the corner of the gizmo) and dragging
- The object doesn’t move in the direction you are dragging
#Local vs World rotation
There is a little button along the top
it switches between world and local rotaiton
world = always the same
local = relative to actor rotation
Thanks for the reply! I realize you can switch world and object space, but my contention is that when you are using the ‘drag to move option’, it’s not really acceptable for the object to move in a different/opposite direction than the direction you are dragging it in. I believe that aspect of the behavior is a bug.
Hello Hyperloop,
Thank you very much for the repro steps. I was able to reproduce your issue and I’ve made a bug report for this issue. I expect it to be fixed in a future release.
Thanks again!