Can you all help with a clear answer as to when Unreal requires VS2017 in order to package please?
The documentation states there is a requirement for VS2017, however, I know VS is not required to package basic projects for Windows 64bit. So I am trying to identify which features of a project and which plugins might trigger the requirement for VS2017. I guess a list would be the perfect outcome to me asking.
You might ask why I don’t just install VS2017 and not be worried. Firstly, I am an IT Technician for a Game Art course which is primarily focused on the artistic content, but it helps for them to have an understanding of some technical elements when they go into industry. As I am surrounded by artists running the course, I need to call upon your knowledge and experience with this technical question. Secondly, are also considerations for other areas of the university and they want to use VS2015 rather than VS2017 and I need to justify why I need 2017, or indeed IF I need 2017.
Thanks in advance for your help.