When is the IPlacementModeModule Loaded?

I have created an Editor Module and I want to access IPlacementModeModule Functions in order to Register Category into Place Actors tab.

problem is the IPlacementModeModule::IsAvailable() is never true it seems that my module is loading before PlacementMode. I have Tried changing the laoding phase to PostEngineInit and PostDefault but the PlacementModeModule is still not loaded at the time of My Module’s Startup call.

Solved: Use PostEngineInit Loading Phase and manually Load the PlacementMode Module using ModuleManager In the Startup function.

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Hi, thank you for your solution, it worked!
I would like to share the code for others who may be struggling with the same problem as us.

void OnPostEngineInit();

void FYourModule::StartupModule()
 FCoreDelegates::OnPostEngineInit.AddRaw(this, &FYourModule::OnPostEngineInit);
void FYourModule::ShutdownModule()