When I was Building HLOD , Crashes in UE5

Crash Log

[2022.06.15-06.33.31:455][ 0]LogHLODBuilder: Warning: HLOD generation created no component for HLOD1_world_01_WP_HLOD0_256m_767m_L0_X1_Y4_DL0


void AWorldPartitionHLOD::SetHLODComponents(const TArray<UActorComponent*>& InHLODComponents)

check(!InHLODComponents.IsEmpty());   <== this code  



When does this happen?

Same problem.
[2022.06.24-02.52.11:756][ 0]LogHLODBuilder: Warning: HLOD generation created no component for HLOD1_TestElement_HLOD0_256m_767m_L5_X0_Y-1_DL0
[2022.06.24-02.52.11:756][ 0]LogOutputDevice: Warning:

Script Stack (0 frames):

[2022.06.24-02.52.12:909][ 0]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2022.06.24-02.52.12:909][ 0]LogWindows: Error:
[2022.06.24-02.52.12:909][ 0]LogWindows: Error: Assertion failed: !InHLODComponents.IsEmpty() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\WorldPartition\HLOD\HLODActor.cpp] [Line: 112]
[2022.06.24-02.52.12:910][ 0]LogWindows: Error:

Is there anyone know how to solve the problem? what kind of mesh can casue this problem?

oh, My deal God! Who can save me. I encountered the same problem. This seriously slows down my work progress.

Just exactly the same problem above!! Even not neccessary to paste the error log again.

I noticed that the bug code has been pointed out, so when will this issue be fixed?? My suggestion is ASAP!

[Angry emoji]

■■■■! I noticed that the latest unreal engine on github dev branch has been fixed, what a suprise!

So here is my question: When will this feature be established?
And here is the answer: ASAP!!!

I Checked HLODActor.cpp in Epic’s Git.

That code was changed.

check(!InHLODComponents.IsEmpty()) → AActor::Modify()
