When I use the "remove from parent" node in UE5 (Unreal Engine 5), I encounter an "Accessed None Trying to Read Property" error.

When I use the “remove from parent” node in UE5 (Unreal Engine 5), I encounter an “Accessed None Trying to Read Property” error. What does this mean and how can I fix it?
Message log: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue”. Node: Remove from Parent Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP First Person Character Blueprint: BP_FirstPersonCharacter

You are getting this error because the variable you are calling the method on is not valid. You can check that using the “IsValid” node beforehand. Did you maybe forgot to assign the result of the CreateWidget node to your variable?

my code is like this. It works when I press play, but when I click esc I get an error.

The result of CreateWidget is currently being hold in a temporary variable. We don’t see it on your screenshot, but I assume you call both methods as a result of different events, so it is likely that the object has already been destroyed when you call the remove method. You really should promote the CreateWidget result to a variable.

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Actually I’m new to UE5. Could you explain it in a little more detail, please?

When you “Create Widget” take the return value and assign it to a variable (right click and promote to variable).

e.g. Create widget (CircleAndDot) → Set CircleAndDot → Add to Viewport.

You now have a permanent reference to the CircleAndDot widget. Use this reference to remove from parent.

Every time you create a widget you always set a reference for it.
Based on the BP you’re showing you should have two widget variables.
CircleAndDot and SimpleDot.

Thank you so much <3

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