When I use 2x2 section per component it messes up my heightmap upon import. Why?

It only happens if I use 2x2 sections per component instead of 1x1. I don’t want to use 1x1 because its double the draw calls than 2x2. My resolution is 9181x9181. The regions are also messed up and the landscape too. Check the screenshot. How to fix this?

Welcome to Unreal

As an aside, might try recommended res size

This is a recommended size

My bad sorry, trying to work this out myself right now just being snarky with the welcome to Unreal comment because I’ve been facing nothing but problems. New to Unreal.

Its a file above 8k.
I fail to see how its a reccomended size.
And if they somehow increased the values, in the docs:
thats wrong.

The engine by default doesn’t allow more than an 8K image.

Ergo, the problem is the setup.

The tiling/individual files would be OK. But the engine is miserably failing at generating them when given the larger image.

Try to create without a hieghtmap.
Then on each tile replace the heightmap with the correct pre-cut one.

Or, and maybe thats better. Bring the total to a power of 2 value that hits just above 8k (8,192).
You’d loose next to nothing as surface area goes.

Keep in mind that going a single pixel longer will pribably cause the same issue…

This is world partition. The recommended sizes are different than the regular landscapes below 8k.

The one I’m using is in theory right.

Also, with 1x1 sections per component works fine, it’s just when I use 2x2 that does what the image above shows.

Maybe because 1 pixel is not divisible by 2?

Im telling you. Whoever updated the docs should be shot… maybe flat out tortured… :stuck_out_tongue:

The solution for the issue is just create the 2x2 landscape that you need, then separate your working heightmap landscape into 4 heightmap parts, then in landscape sculpt mode import them separately.

• Creating a 2x2 landscape that meets your needs
• Dividing your working heightmap for 1x1 landscape into 4 separate heightmap parts
• Importing each part separately in Landscape Sculpt mode

This is clearly not how it should be working, right? Has this been fixed in 5.5?

Nothing about landscape is anything like something that would even begin to vaguely resemble some other thing that works.

And no, you won’t get a “fix” what youll get is more downgrades and removal of more features because they can’t even get what is there now to work right… thats the Epic way.

Reduce things to non idiotic (because they are idiotic) overall sizes.
8K is already too much for the landacape system to handle with a decent FPS anyway.

More tiles of 4k. Or just dont use landscape. Then you can do whatever mesh size you want…