When I set actor's rotation by AnimNotify, the camera will shake in a flash.

I want change my character’s rotation to player controller’s rotation when the animation starts playing, typically at the beginning of attacking. So I use AnimNotify to achieve this. As soon as the notify is received, I use SetActorRotation node to change my character’s rotation using player controller’s rotation. But the camera attached to character will shake in a flash. The animation I used is got from IK retargeter. When I achieve the same function in original skeletal mesh and animation, the camera won’t shake. I wonder if there is anything wrong with the process of retargeting , or there’s a problem somewhere else. I would appreciate it if someone could provide a solution.

When I use the AnimNotify of the montage of rolling animation, I also encounter this situation. I think it’s a problem with the tick time inconsistency. When I set the option in the image, the issue was alleviated significantly.