When I run package twice simultaneously and focus one game , GPU usage will be not balance

when both lose focus
one focus
in 4.27

when i use ue5.0.3

does any body can help?

I found same question but… no solution


When the application has lost focus, some events will be called like this condition.Maybe you can reading source code some relatived like word ‘Use less cpu…’ to find out some ideals,

on my work list :smile:

I don’t know the answer. This problem has always existed

There’s code in the uppermost engine/world step loop that sleeps a little bit each frame if the game doesn’t have focus.
Last I checked, you can turn this off with a console variable, but I forget what it’s called.

any idea what the console variable is to fix this?

I did a quick search for Sleep on GitHub, but it’s used in too many places so I didn’t immediately find it.
You can find it by checking out the source and grepping through it.