When I press play why am I not controlling my character? I am controlling the 3D view camera.

So I’m pretty new to UE4 so I apologize if I am using incorrect terminology.

So I created a character blueprint from scratch by following a video tutorial. This is the resulting blueprint:

However when I press play I do not start where I have placed my character (by dragging and dropping the MyCharacter blueprint into the scene). I start wherever the camera (the one that is used to move around the scene when editing) is last placed. I want to start where I have placed my character. Is there a way to connect it or something? I have created a new gamemode and have set it as the default gamemode and have set MyPlayer as the default pawn class.

Does anyone know how to solve my problem? I’m sorry if I sound like a noob. It’s because I am one lol. Thank you for taking the time to read my question. :slight_smile:


Looks like you did not select the default pawn. :slight_smile: If you go to the game mode, you can select the default pawn there.

I hope it helped.