I set up a blueprint with a static mesh for a weapon pick up. What I’m trying to do on pickup is destroy the static mesh and get the actual skeletal mesh in my hands, but it won’t work. The weapon gets equipped correctly because I can shoot it and the ammo works too, but the static mesh stays there and the skeletal mesh won’t appear in my hands. I hope the code I’m showing is enough, other wise I’ll get more specific!
Thank you!
You can destroy the actor on the ground all together when it get’s picked up and then spawn a new one in your hands.
2nd screenshot. Cast to Weapon_Base. You don’t need to cast to it as you just spawned Weapon_Base and you could use the blue output pin or the variable you set. Not that’s isn’t the main issue here. Your attachment doesn’t make sense. You want to attach to some place in your player character, right now you’re attaching weapon to itself.
Here’s roughly how it should look like. I have this setup in my project and it works.
You’re welcome.