When i move camera overlap event stop working

im doing RTS game. When im looking characters with camera everything working on client and server. Characters attack and damage each other. But when i move camera overlap event stop. For everything works i need to see this actors with camera. Im detecting sword hit with box collision. When im move camera Oncomp.BeginOverlap(Swordhit) event not working. When im move camera back its start working again. I tried Always relevant and increasing the value NetCullDistance not working. Im using pawn for camera and its replicated.
Why is this happening?

edit: i just do some test. When character move and I’m not looking to character overlap event working. When character moving box collision collide something. But when character start attack and if im not looking to character overlap event not working not firing. if im looking to character everything working. I think this is animation issue but i dont know what is wrong in animations. And is single player and multiplayer issue. Why is this happening?

I found the solution in skeletal mesh details:
