When i import a file.fbx, From brown it becomes yellow…how can it be possible?any idea?
with cinema 4d i export in .fbx with all ticks and the fbx’s version is the lastest(2016,7.5).
when i import into ue4,i let all as default and i select import. But with this project it gives something of wrong,as said,from brown it becomes yellow(object’s texure) and i dunno what to do. Cloud someone help me to resolve this problem??
i’ll really appreciate that.
If the color is provided by a texture and you are using multiple channels, maybe UE told you in a small box that it assumed this texture to be a normal map and if you want to revert that? Check your texture settings, make some screenshots maybe. If it is set to NormalMap, undo that and check the settings of a texture that is looking correct
could also be in the importing of the material. for instance if you try to import materials from blender to ue4 they dont always come out right since the nodes are different. Definitely check your texture to make sure it has the right color, then try checking the material to make sure its setup how you mean it to.