When i export my project it takes an hour or so and just gives me BUILD failed . I am exporting my project for android and have installed jdk,sdk,ndk correctly.I tried deleting intermediate folder and shortening my project path(name is short too)

images of errors

No article seems to be helpful is anyone able to help me

didn’t get you sorry

Don’t worry, I noticed you had already posted your output log.

I’m afraid I have no idea why it’s failing…

i have even set my global game server to thirdpersoncharacter

This is very vague. What about posting your output log?

please do not say that just see if the error file could help you find solution

i have taken bunch of paragons and am wondering that do they support android

let me try it

You can try just one map at first…

i have been getting “ntdll.dll” and none is not an unreal project name and should start with a / errors

a new map just gets easily packaged

But what about the stuff above ( instructions ). Try a new project and migrate your maps over.

i am trying it now and did not get any errors as i had at least 2 errors till the end of shader compiler work previously . And do paragons support android as i am using paragons in my project

Have you tried the migration trick?

  1. Make a new project of the same type ( and close it )

  2. Migrate your maps from your current project to the new project

  3. Migrate any characters

  4. Copy the config folder and set the default map / movies

Build from the new project

Is it working?..

yes its kind of downloading some stuff for about an hour but no errors

no one was helping me out even after posting many complaints but finally u helped me out
Just wondering whether you could solve this out

You’re welcome, but sorry, I don’t know anything about character animation / skel meshes…