and so on. So i made an int variable and attached it to the Slotname.
Now the while loop checks if the game existes and loads it. After that, it compares the save “MapName” with the one the player entered and sets a bool to true if its the same.
It also adds 1 to the int variable to look for the next savegame.
If the map exists, it just prints a string, if not, it starts the map. For the first savegame it works, but when he should go through the save games he freezes. I guess its an infinity loop, but i don’t know why.
I even added the bool to the condition of the while, so it shouldnt go on if an existing map is found.
What am i doing wrong? Here are pictures of the Blueprint:
How can i remove a Widget with another Widget?
I got a widget that represents my different Maps and is added as a child to the MainMenuWidget and thats all working fine, but i know that i have to remove the Widget before i load another map. But how do i call the remove on the MainMenuWidget while i’m in the smaller Widget? I have a Buttons in that smaller one that has a function to load the map. Now i want to remove all widget that are activ. Is this possible?
Ok, it was possible to create a reference to the MainMenu and at the point where i add the child, i could set the MainMenu reference. (: Nice, working like a charm.