When following the Blueprint Visual Scripting guide, step 10 simply does not work since it takes you to the already pre-made Event BeginPlay node. What is the proper way to go about this?

I do not see any steps when following your link. You can’t have more than one Begin Play event node per actor.
Can you show us what you’re trying to connect to the Begin Play node?

This is the link for the guide I am following: Introduction to Blueprints Visual Scripting in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

What exactly am I supposed to do here. I tried creating a new Graph, and that still does not allow me to make the EventBegin Play node.

Inside the Graph window, Right-click
and add an Event Begin Play node.

Which part of this is not working?

Oh, I am sorry, I linked the wrong one, this is the one right here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Blueprints/QuickStart/1

And that’s the correct behaviour. As I said, you can’t have more than 1 Begin Play node per actor.

If you are confused as to why there is one already in your blueprint, it most likely due to the fact that the tutorial you’re following is 2-3 years old or so. Things have evolved. These days a brand new actor has some nodes present for convenience reasons, as they almost always useful.

A small quality of life improvement added in one of the engine versions.

When you right click to make the node it just goes to the one already there that exists.

Oh okay, I really wish they update their guides so it allows for beginners to actually be able to work with Unreal Engine 4, do you have any guides to follow by chance that are more modern?

The engine is constantly being updated, there are 3-4 version updates a year. Things will get outdated by default. You will eventually run into things that make little sense.

You can always search for tutorials on YT and filter by date.

If you cant creat a BeginPlay node then it is probably either because youre inside a function instead of the main Event graph, or youre editing a blueprint that is not descended from Actor.