Wheeled vehicle wheels freely rotating on wrong axis

I created a skeletal mesh for a wheeled vehicle. I followed the rigging instructions in the Vehicle Art Setup page (). Now, inside the Physics Asset for the skeletal mesh, when I click Simulate the vehicle spins in circles as the wheels freely rotate under the vehicle. It’s as if the wheels were round spheres, and not attached to the car.

Here’s a video of the car doing pirouettes:

Is this a problem with the rig? It has a root joint, and one joint at each tire’s center. Are there constraints that need to be placed on the joints in Maya prior to the mesh being exported?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

That is normal. Setup your vehicle BP and it will work fine.

I am still having this same issue with the vehicle in my game. This issue also occurs in the Wheeled Vehicle Blueprint when it has Simulation selected.

I’ve embedded a video clip of the issues I’m having.

The first part of the video clip is of a Wheeled Vehicle Blueprint; in the Components Mode, Simulation is turned on, and the Camera Arm rotates 90 degrees to the right, then the vehicle (which is a rigged skeletal mesh) begins to slowly glide around on its wheels. The wheels rotate freely in all axis directions.

The next part of the clip shows the vehicle as it appears in the Engine while play testing in the Editor. The vehicle settles right down to the frame rails, with the wheels clipping into the ground. The wheels do receive input and animate correctly, but the vehicle just sits on the ground.

did you miss step #5 (in create wheel collision) -> n the Details pane, find the Physics Type property and set it to Kinematic.

also try UnReal’s youtube tutorial for vehicles, it’ll help a lot. :wink:

Solution when camera rotate 90 degrees in X axis when u hit simulate in blueprint is, your final model should have -90 Xrotation (not 0) in Maya before you export as FBX

Fixed, in case anyone ever has the same problem the front of the vehicle should be facing towards the X axis, rotating the pivot did it for me.