Wheel spawned on the middle of my vehicle. Advice fix this, please?

I am having a problem with my vehicle’s wheels.
I have inputted the Vehicle Wheel Blueprint on their proper slots inside Wheeled Vehicle Blueprint.
But they seem to spawn on the center of the vehicle instead of on the wheels.

I have some screenshots that might explain.

Correct axis orientations.

Fine when simulating PhysicsAsset

But tips off anyway

Here’s why, I have no idea about it.

Orientations inside Maya.

Thanks for your help, guys.

go to

I always have the same problem.
Import from blender with any different bone configuration. Wheels always spawn in center, not in the end of bones.
If I must anytime add offcet and calcullate offcet - its very bad

I have exactly the same problem. My game has more than 150 different car models. Unfortunately it becomes unviable in the Unreal Engine because of this problem.