Wheel don't collide with ground, help

I create a simplest vehicle, the bone is very simple a root and four wheel.

Physics is also very simple, a box and four sphere.
When i simlate in the PAE, it works well.
But when i start a PIE, the wheel don’t collide with the ground.
Any suggestion will be appreciated, Thanks.

start a pie:

Are you sure your bones are properly set up? Wheels collision not being where it should is usually caused by wrong bones…

In 3dsmax you can attach one object (mesh) to another in hierarchies - no bones needed. This seems to work well for me when I use the Wheeled Vehicle Class. This is my hierarchy for the meshes in 3dsmax:


All 4 wheels are attached to the Vehicle Base in Max. This matches what is used in the UE4 vehicle sample project.

What modeling software are you using?

Search for in these forums. He has done lots of good stuff with the Wheeled Vehicle Class.

Yes, the bone hierarchies is same as you.
I use 3ds max.

I use pxvis collision to check the physics, i found the wheel physics body is vertical to the wheel.
The root and wheel bone is x forward, z up.

How to set the wheel physics body’s orientation?

Sorry, it the problem of the bone orientation, i use the world gizmo to check the bone orientation, i forget to use local gizmo.