Wheel change in Game time ue5

Hello, I’m using the Chaos system for creating a car system, all is perfect, but the problem appear when I try to put anothers wheels like in the editor but in game.

It’s supposed to be possible because the option is Set wheel Class, but when you put it, this act like isn’t any wheel.


Im having the same issue, although im trying to change the setting in the wheel class itself like friction and if it is affected by handbrake but can’t figure out how.

Hi, did you find any solution for this?
I was able to unfreeze the car by disabling Mechanical sim before SetWheelClass and enabling it afterwards. The wheels didn’t change though.

Hi, found a way to do this with C++ in UE5.2, not super clean but at least it works. Not sure why SetWheelClass doesn’t work:

// Create a new FChaosWheelSetup for each wheel you want to replace
FChaosWheelSetup flSetup = FChaosWheelSetup();
flSetup.WheelClass = frontWheelClass; // TSubclassOf<UChaosVehicleWheel>
flSetup.BoneName = FName("Phys_Wheel_FL");
// Replace the wheel setup defaults for each wheel in VehicleMovementComp
movementComponent_->WheelSetups[0] = flSetup;
// Reset the vehicle to re-initialize the wheels