Whats your favorite browser-addons?

Im wondering whats your favorite browser-addons is :slight_smile: (This is not an survey)

Heres my list, using FireFox:
Updated with Auto Refresh For Twitter.
(And Wacom-plugin, that dosent show)

NoScript, Ad block, and this automatic replay button for Youtube that stopped working after the last update to Waterfox. :frowning:

Those are the only ones I have.

Using Chrome:

FVD Speed Dial
Hacker Vision
Google Translate

My favorite browser addon isn’t an addon, and works with all browsers: Blocking Unwanted Connections with a Hosts File

adblock plus is a must
WOT is useful when you search

Down them all. With my bad internet this one’s a must!
Adblock. Pretty cool program. No @%@ Adds


Can tell I watch a lot of streams. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can disable it:

And i only use these two: