What's wrong with my while loop? It keeps crashing UE4


It seems like the problem is just the following line. I just want to check if the array at the given index is a nullptr.

if (!SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex])

Original Post:

I cannot figure out what’s wrong with it. I am pretty new to C++ programming and tried for way to long to resolve this :frowning:

When I comment out everything inside the first while loop except the last two lines, it doesn’t crash.

TArray<USplineMeshComponent*> UTeleportComponent::DrawTrajectoryTrace(FTrajectoryTraceResult TrajectoryTraceResult)
	AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
	int32 TracePointIndex = 0, MeshComponentIndex = 0;

	// iterate through the TraceStartPoints
	while (TracePointIndex <= TrajectoryTraceResult.TracePointLocations.Num()-2) // "TracePointLocations.Num()-1" would be the TraceEndPoint, which we do not want
		/// Set up the component if it does not exist otherwise make sure the component is visible
		if (!SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex])
			SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex]->SetMaterial(0, TrajectoryMaterial);
			SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex]->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable); // maybe not neccessary

		/// set start and end locations and tangents
		SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex]->SetRelativeLocation(TrajectoryTraceResult.TracePointLocations[TracePointIndex]); // RelativeLocation is used as WorldLocation for USplineMeshComponent
			FVector(0.f), // NullVector, because the location is in component space and we want to start at the components origin
			TrajectoryTraceResult.TracePointLocations[TracePointIndex+1] - TrajectoryTraceResult.TracePointLocations[TracePointIndex], // converting world space to component space

		/// Update variables for next loop iteration
		TracePointIndex += 2; // because we want a dashed line, we skip every other TracePoint (TracePointIndex+=2)

	// set unused SplineMeshComponents invisible
	while (MeshComponentIndex <= SplineMeshComponents.Num()-1)

	return SplineMeshComponents;

I cant even open Mine up:(

Are you checking to make sure the index you are using is within the valid range of the array? I can see the check in your second loop but I can’t see one in your first loop.

Sorry the code view on the answerhub is a little hard to read so maybe I overlooked the check.

Thank you! I am now checking if the index is outside of the valid range OR is a nullptr:

if (MeshComponentIndex <= SplineMeshComponents.Num() || !SplineMeshComponents[MeshComponentIndex])