What's UI widget "Input Image"?

in the Widget Designer Palette > Common, there is an “Input Image” element. What is that?
I was unable to find it in the documentation or in the forums. If you could please point me towards a resource or even explain it to me, I’d be very happy and grateful!

The tooltip for InputImage says “A special widget containing an image which populates itself based on an input action / axis and can dynamically change based on the active input method.”
But how does that differ from the regular Image widget (“The image widget allows you to display a Slate Brush, or texture or material in the UI.”), which I can set dynammically, too?
Different from Image, Input Image has the “Input Image” category (surprise!), but I don’t really got by randomly trying stuff how it reacts. Also I don’t really get how it would change its Brush based on the input device …

Also, what would be proper use cases for Input Image?

Thanks very much in advance!

Could this originate from a plugin (can’t see in in UE v5.3.1)? Sounds like a useful thing to have in a mobile game where the on-screen key display automagically highlights as you tap it. As opposed to laboriously setting it all up yourself with images.

Jup, you are right! ; ) It comes with Steve’s UE Helpers, which – obviously – didn’t occur to me. Thank you very much!

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