Whats this error problom i get while packaging

i get a build error when packaging why what is it?


It says the following in the log:

UnrealBuildTool: C:\Users\���\Documents\Unreal Projects\schoolwithitay\Intermediate\Build\Win32\schoolwithitay\Development\UELinkerFixups\PCH.UELinkerFixupsName.h.cpp(1): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘C:\Users?’?T??\Documents\Unreal Projec MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): ts\schoolwithitay\Intermediate\Build\Win32\UE4\Development\UELinkerFixupsName.h’: No such file or directory

Please check this file: See logfile for details: ‘UnrealBuildTool-2017.01 .16-18.11.21.txt’

It’s in your project folder → Saved → Logs

Please upload that log file (when you copy-paste it, it will become unreadable for most people).

i dont have a file like that i only have one with the name of the project and a lot of backups

and its not just this project its every project i have i think i have someting wrong with my visual studio

Hello ,

This likely stems from your Windows username having special characters in it. Can you change it to only include A-Z or numerical characters and see if this issue persists? As you can see in the log, it’s having issues parsing these characters which is likely why it is having problems including the necessary files.

its not as i have packed a lot of games with the same username

Try to make a new account on your Windows with normal characters. It look like UE4 has trouble with your user name (“���”).

As you mentioned above, it’s happening in multiple projects. Could you at least give it a try to make sure that it isn’t the issue in this case?

i tried it and it works thx i dont know what happend because i used this user to packege games and it worked someting weird but thx!