What's the use of having HUD now that UMG is preferred?

Every guide I see tells me that the HUD class is the old way of doing things and that it is strongly advised to use UMG for UI stuff nowadays. Yet when I make a new GameMode class, I still have the opportunity to create a HUD to use for the current world I’m in. So my question is, what’s the use of keeping the HUD around, available for us to use?

On the one hand, I can see how it might be useful because it’s the only main framework class that exists solely client-side… but on the other hand, if it’s supposed to be there to do things that are since deprecated… what good is it to have in the first place? Because if the guys at Epic wanted us to do client-side only stuff, wouldn’t they make a specific framework class for that? Why HUD? What’s the point?

What I’d love to see in the answers for this post are some examples of useful stuff you can do with HUD.

Answer here
