What's the proper way to get the inverse of a rotator? I don't think what I tried is right

I tried breaking the rotator and multiply the pitch, yaw, and roll each by -1, but the results don’t look right. Know the proper way?

Have you tried to adding 180 to pitch, roll, and yaw?

What is the inverse of a rotator (what is your aim)?

You can’t invert a vector, you can only invert a NxN matrix,
Well, a rotator is a vector of 3 vectors, so, it’s like a 3x3 matrix → you can invert it, but i dont think thats what your looking for. (if your looking for it, check the wikipedia forumlar )

have you tried the InvertRotator node?

Clarity on what you are trying to achieve may help also.


Maybe you mean “opposite” instead of “inversed”?