Hi , I’ve packaged my game several times , by the default way , developement build
also I’ve test it on the Steam , the plugins , steam migration , downloading and updating with it ,
it all went fine , and of course I went through " a lot " to get here ,
so I’m wonder how necessary is it to change it into Shipping build when I’m ready to launch .
Because I’ve never try a Shipping build , not sure is it worth the time to dig in ,
if a " Windows no editor " build is working just perfectly ,
would you still recommand a shipping build instead ? and why ? thanks for any information !
Development is a built for internal development (e.g. testing). It still has some of the debug stuff you might want built in, but isn’t as bloaty as a programmer’s debug build. Shipping is for the end consumer.
Sorry for bringing back an ancient thread. But does anyone have any idea why r.ExposureOffset doesn’t work in a Shipping build? It works in Dev builds. can I make it work in Shipping as well? I can’t find any info about this anywhere.
Hey, v_i_m, r.ExposureOffset is a console command and those don’t work in shipping builds since the console is meant for testing. A much better thing to do would be to get a reference to your GameUserSettings class and change the Exposure Offset from there.