What's the differences between blueprint/C++ projects and Unreal studio projects?

I knew a little about unreal studio,and I tried to use datasmith to convert my max file into udatasmith file instead of a FBX file.Cuz I thought it is more data-friendly for UE4.However, when I installed unreal studio, it lanched a new Epic Lancher(for enterprise) maybe?
So,the question is
if I don’t change my UE4 version into enterprise verison,can I use datasmith importer?
Thanks a lot.


First to clarify, we only have one Launcher used across the board for everyone…including game and non-game developers, and by game players. During your Unreal Studio registration, a setting may have gotten enabled to hide the video game store (to make the launcher appear more ‘professional’). If this is the case, you can just open the launcher’s Settings and un-check “Hide Game Library”.

Additionally, nothing really changes with the Unreal Engine either. We only have one Unreal Editor, used by all developer types. The Unreal Studio beta just allows you to install a plugin (Datasmith) that provides the new import functionality, and a few other extras like the Unreal Studio template projects.

You can read more about the Unreal Studio template projects here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Studio/UnrealStudioProjectTemplates

I got it.Unreal studio just supports extra function like datasmith and some templates.For developers,we can also use C++ or blueprint.Is that right?

Yes, all the options are available to you depending on the needs of your project.