We know that AimOffset
inherits from BlendSpace
, but what is the core difference between the two? When should I use AimOffset
instead of BlendSpace
? When should I use BlendSpace
instead of AimOffset
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A blend space source only animation source, this means that it is only outputs an animation similar to a regular sequence player node dose.
On the other hand AimOffset is applied as an additive animation on to the animation you feed into it’s input.
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but you can create a blend space with additive animations and apply it as an additive. Isn’t that the same thing?
It is but it’s like a macro since the aim offset ABP node combines both the blendspace and the apply additive into a single node
Also the the aim offset asset won’t let you add incorrect additive types, there’s also an aim offset look at node where you can feed it a vector to interpolate the lookAt
It has it’s place it’s just not that obvious at first glance
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