What's the correct way to handle EOS server credentials?


I’m working on getting my dedicated server integrated with EOS to broadcast session data, following along with the blog post and sample here:

EOS’s subsystem and the tutorial put the credentials in artifacts in the DefaultEnine.ini. I’m concerned that putting my dedicated server credential in my game’s config will expose that credential to data miners when we release the game client, allowing them to make more privileged api calls.

I’ve been looking for a way to inject that value from the command line at runtime, but overriding with -ini: doesn’t work because that flag doesn’t correctly parse the artifact syntax. I’m also exploring having a override config file, as well as more exotic solutions such as having my CI system modify the ini file before the build.

Before I chase this rabbit hole further, is there a recommended practice here?


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Did this search ever lead anywhere interesting? I’ve had similar concerns.

What is it you are concerned about ?

Those credentials should be for an untrusted client anyway so it doesn’t really matter. Just setup the policy as you see fit.

Having them in the ini is perfectly fine if setup correctly. You can read about the policies here https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/dev-portal/client-credentials

Just don’t send trusted server credentials.

I would also like to know the answer this. I’ve been manually deleting the server credentials when i package the client and then re-adding them but this is far from optimal