What's the best way to set up Live link facial animations and body movements?

I use UE to animate a short film; I’m not a game developer, so, I mainly work in the sequencer.

I use the UE4 skeleton and have a couple of faces with blendshapes that I can animate via the Live Link app.

I usually create a character blueprint with a set leader bone component, add the character to the sequencer, add the skeleton mesh (the one with the leader bone component) to the sequencer, and choose an animation, which then drives the whole character.

But what if I want a character walking and talking, for example? How do I get the talking face animations (via live link) to stay on and follow the animations of the walking body?

As I have it set up now, I have to record the face animations as one sequence - and then the body animations as a second sequence, and then manually try to match the position of the head to the body movement. I’m pretty sure there must be a better way to do this?