What's happening with my character movement?

So all of a sudden, every FirstPersonBP or ThirdPersonBP in my existing projects, and in any new projects I create, all behave like this. Pressing WASD or arrow keys makes the character take one normal step in that direction, but then the character starts glitching and barely moving. If you press any other key on the keyboard at this time, the character will start walking normally until you stop or change direction. Here’s a video example of this happening in a new third person project.

If you have any idea what could be happening and why it persists through newly created projects, please help me out. I can share screenshots of the blueprints or anything else. Thank you **


A drifting controller / joystick that’s at the verge of deadzone? A pet (usually a feline) stuck on keyboard?

Haha no felines, and interestingly movement works fine with my Xbox controller. The issue with the keyboard persists whether the controller is plugged in or not though

So if you open notepad and press W once, you do not see WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW all of a sudden? As in, we know the keyboard works:

Grasping at straws, as you can see. This is uncanny.

I can share screenshots of the blueprints or anything else.

Are these not template defaults we’re talking about here?

Yeah pressing W once just makes one W, and holding it down will make it go WWWWWWWW.
I appreciate the help, and yes they’re template defaults. I was wondering if there was some way I have altered the templates, or if that is even possible

A sweet breakthrough! I just dug an old keyboard out and it works fine! So I’m not sure what has gone wrong with my normal keyboard, considering it still seems to type normally, but this is a much nicer problem to have. Thank you so much for your help!

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The issue seems to be very mechanical in nature. I’d give each key a good triple-the-push-force squeeze, one by one, and a rough upside down shake. I’ve seen both mechanical and rubber membrane keys get stuck.

It could be an Alt key and a word processor handles odd input well. Just a guess, though. Keyboards rarely break unless flooded with coffee.

I did a factory reset of my keyboard’s settings and it’s working fine now! :partying_face: Thanks again, I would have just kept poking at the character blueprints without your help

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