What would be simplest way to import an Alias nurbs model into Twinmotion?
I have seems to try all the import solution but I’m really stuck.
Any easy and direct workflow proposal? Would love to integrate Twinmotion on my automotive workflow.
Hello ,
I'm not very familiar with Alias, as it's not a very commonly used data source for Twinmotion models, but from my understanding, you should be able to export your Alias model to an FBX file. You should then be able to import the FBX file into Twinmotion.
Let me know if that works.
Alias is a Nurbs tool equivalent to a Step files from Solidworks or similar!
Therefore it doesn't provide polygon files but a nurbs files, very different math.
I tied to used Unreal engine datasmith, but i cannot seem to find a way to export my datasmith files to FBX.
Thanks for that but i got to the same point.
According to the graph in there when you import a CAD file from in UE, it doesn't save it as a .udatasmith file. It just reads it in the scene and you to not even been able to export it as a FBX! which is rather annoying.
Is there any automotive people that could help me?
I can't really send you a file, but it you find any step model online it would be the same process.
Thanks for that explanation.
If you've already got your nurbs files saved to .udatasmith files, you should be able to import the .udatasmith files to Twinmotion directly without needing to convert them to other filetypes. Twinmotion reads .udatasmith files natively.
If that doesn't work, would you mind sharing one of your files for me to look at more closely?