I’m trying to learn the basic of Bluepring and there is no such thing as Toggle Visibility on the Level Blueprint I tried search > typed “toggle” > couldn’t find Toggle visibility. Also when I try to create a class of a wallscounce in Event Graph and got the light setup and everything I did the guy said about box trigger and still the lights won’t get triggered when I walk in/out.
I just uploaded a video on YouTube to show what I mean. I still couldn’t figure out what to do at this point its taking me three hours and still couldn’t get the light activated.
Ok, I see whats wrong,
You are trying to toggle the light but you are changing the visibility of the entire lamp.
Have a look at the attached image, notice the name of the property connected to the target of the ‘Toggle visibility’ node.
Also, I noticed you changed the brightness of the light from the lamp. You don’t need to do that. If you want the light to be off when you start the level, just open the ‘Blueprint_Ceiling_light’ and uncheck the visibility of the point light. Then use the nodes from the image. You could get the same result using the brightness, but if you want to use the brightness to toggle the light one and off, then you need to change the brightness on the ‘begin actor overlap’ event, not the visibility.