What users need - 1. Textures

I'm opening this topic where we can collect in one place what we - the users - would like to recommend to the developers.

1. Topic is: TEXTURES

Please write your suggestions here, what should be improved or replaced in relation to this topic?

I open the line:

It would be great if the textures could be applied not only globally - according to the source material - but also individually for certain surfaces. (surface separation)

Regarding the textures, I think it is unnecessary to hide the "material menu" behind the 3 small dots above the image of the material.

It would fit next to the image on the left and I would add an "open in material library" button.

This button would bring the given material in your own library to the top menu bar.

This is necessary because you often change the texture of surfaces, and when you pick up the material with the pipette (e.g. a brick) you cannot use the following material, because it does not appear in the left side menu bar

Speaking of textures, I unfortunately have to describe that in some ways the grass should also behave like a texture.

"Vegetation scatter" is not a bad tool, but the fact that it does not keep the boundaries of the surface is unacceptable.

Vegetation scater 1

Vegetation scater 2It makes this tool completely unusable, you spend hours trying to paint the green surface with "vegetation paint", and it's not accurate either.

It also often happens that later during modifications (synchronization) the grass simply disappears.

I see the users have been complaining about this for 3 years:


I would really, really ask the developers to find a solution for this, make the grass stop at the surface borders, otherwise it's useless.

Agreeing with Martinezx, transparency of textures can be important in some cases.

(You don't have to think about the X-ray function here, because there the texture disappears, it just becomes a transparent surface.)

I would add that it would be great if the texture could also be painted (not just dragged onto a surface) like the vegetation, with a parameterizable brush.


Les modes d’affectation ne me pose pas de soucis, ils reprennent les bases d’affectation (cylindrique / cubique / sphérique / UV) de matière des logiciels de modélisation. Les modèles étant normalement formatés en amont sur des logiciels (faits pour) en cas de modification c’est assez simple et rapide de faire des mises à jour.

Cela dit, je comprends ta demande mais TM n’étant pas un logiciel de modélisation je ne suis pas sûr que cette fonction ne vienne pas complexifier des aller retours entre soft. Là c’est simple : tu découpes et pré affecte en amont et tu habilles sur TM.

Concernant ta remarque sur les « … » pourquoi pas. Ici, je pense que la priorité serait plutôt d’avoir un gestionnaire de matériaux qui permet un rangement par ordre alphabétique (nomenclature ou autre), pouvoir ajouter des groupes, des calques (etc.) et avoir une fenetre plus lisible. Sur des petits projets le gestionnaire actuel reste acceptable, dès que tu gères 200 ou 300 textures ça devient vraiment galère à l’usage.

Pour la végétation, c‘est vrai que ne pas « dépasser » reste toute une aventure même avec le pinceau tout petit…

Pour ma part, l’amélioration que j’aimerais serait de pouvoir jouer sur la transparence de toutes les textures. Je sais, un bois transparent ça n’existe pas (^_^). Mais une trame de bois sur du vitrage ça c’est possible (^_-).

Du coup, si l’on pouvait superposer deux textures ça serait top. Par exemple, pouvoir « coller » sur un vitrage (ou autre) une texture qui serait comme les « decals ». En l’état c’est possible de faire des « decals » mais elles ne passent pas au rendu en mode « path tracer » et jouer sur la transparence d’une matière n’est pas possible.





The assignment modes do not bother me, they use the assignment bases (cylindrical / cubic / spherical / UV) of material from the modeling software. The models are normally formatted upstream on software (made for) in the event of modification it is quite simple and quick to make updates.

That said, I understand your request but TM not being a modeling software, I am not sure that this function does not complicate going back and forth between software. There it's simple : you cut and pre-affect upstream and you dress on TM.

Regarding your comment on the “…” why not. Here, I think the priority would rather be to have a material manager that allows storage in alphabetical order (nomenclature or other), to be able to add groups, layers (etc.) and to have a more readable window. On small projects the current manager remains acceptable, as soon as you manage 200 or 300 textures it becomes really difficult to use.

For the vegetation, it's true that not "exceeding" remains quite an adventure even with the very small brush...

For my part, the improvement that I would like would be to be able to play on the transparency of all the textures. I know, transparent wood does not exist (^_^). But a wooden frame on glazing is possible (^_-).

So, if we could superimpose two textures, that would be great. For example, being able to "stick" on a glazing (or other) a texture that would be like the "decals". As it is, it is possible to make "decals" but they do not go to rendering in "path tracer" mode and playing on the transparency of a material is not possible.




TM version 2022.2.1

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.


Hello , great topics you are bringing there.

I completely agree with you that it would be awesome to be able to Drag and Drop a texture not only globally but on individual faces or surfaces. Same for the Grass texture, this is something that has been reported before but still isn’t on the roadmap at this stage.

Having said that, the Opacity maps are on the roadmap for 2023.

Please make sure to share or add your suggestion to the Twinmotion Public roadmap by clicking on the Submit idea here. This is by far the best place to submit ideas.

, love your idea also, and please like I mentioned use the submit idea button on the Twinmotion Public Roadmap to request a feature.

Thank you


Hi Mc,

Yes, I know where to send these ideas, I've already sent quite a few.

However, you can't upload pictures there and there are things that are very difficult to explain without pictures.

In addition to this, the users not able to check each other's ideas, so there is no consensus on what exactly needs to be improved.

My plan is that if comments about the textures are gathered here, I will upload them to the right place and simply give the link to this topic.

Now I want to talk a little about the glass material. Visualization of glass is very important in architecture, but I think in every sector.

It currently looks like this:

Glass Material - Original 2I really miss the reflection settings. Reflexion probes are not a solution!

We must be able to adjust the reflection of the glass according to the given scene.

a suggestion:

The reflection can also have color and blur, not to mention that we don't necessarily want to see sharply the distant horizon 100 km away.

Again, reflexion probes are not a solution. Those parameters must be specified in the material's own settings.

I know that the developers are working on improving the glass material, so I highly recommend these suggestions to their attention.

If you guys have any other ideas about the glass material, please post them here!

Thank you.....

Regarding the glass,

the reflection of the sky can also be important, it would be advisable to turn this on and off as well (possibly make it also parameterizable)

When I select a material, a nice big quick view appears on the side, which is a great thing, because here you can normally see what this texture actually looks like.

This is one of the best user experiences in TM. Material 2The problem is where these quick views do not appear, e.g. at Quixel Megascan.

I can see the patterns on the side, which are spheres (why spheres at all??? we'll come back to this later) but these textures don't have a quick view, I should see what it actually is on the shape of a small sphere.

Moreover, these patterns are often hardly distinguishable from each other.

Material 4You have to download it (which sometimes doesn't even work for me, you have to restart TM to make it work again),

then put it on the interface and try them all one by one to see what image it shows.

I'm very happy with the Quixel Megascan textures, but something needs to be done with the quick views, because it's very slow and cumbersome.

If you check the surfaces in the Quixel Megascan's webpage, you can see, how big the quick view of the same material:

I will add to the above comment:

Why are the material samples spheres (balls) at all?

We build a virtual environment with buildings, plants, etc. Who the hell designs anything out of spheres? I think the sphere pattern is only good for those who only design billiard and bowling balls, it is completely bad for architects.)

So I don't know why this thing is stuck here from the past, but it would be very nice if we could see the material samples on single surfaces, because 99% of us also use straight surfaces

Thank you


J’ai les mêmes remarques sur l’affichage des textures. L’idéal serait d’avoir : sphère / cube / surface plane.

Idem pour les éléments de Quixel Megascan (téléchargement / affichage visionneuse vignette etc.).





I have the same remarks on the display of textures. The ideal would be to have: sphere / cube / flat surface.

Ditto for Quixel Megascan elements (thumbnail viewer download / display etc.).




TM version 2022.2.1

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

better wooden textures are needed. the current ones look fake

It would be nice to add a metal sheet type to the "roof covering" material group.


Decals are good for painting roads.

DecalsFor example, lane separation lines.

road - straight 2But these can only be straight, what if the road turns?

Bemd on road 4It would be nice to add an adjustable arch option to these.....

Regarding meterials, I found another problem here on the forum, it seems to affect many people.

I think this is a bug: thin-walled materials are often invisible, no matter what kind of CAD program is the source of the 3d model.

I also encounter this thing, most often at the sink, which is missing from the picture:

missing sink 2Read more about it here:
