What Unit are Linear Velocity and Friction in?

So I wanted to give a ball an apropriate amount of linear velocity. This can be done in Blueprint via Set Physics Linear Velocity. There you can give an x, y and z value, but they have no unit. So when I enter 100 for example what velocity do I have, what Unit is it in?

I thought about instead of asking this, trying to calculate it myself by giving the ground a specific amount of friction via a Physics material and then seeing where the ball stops and via that calculating the start velocity, but the Friction value in a Physics material also doesn’t have a Unit. And calculating one unknown unit via another unknown unit might be possible for someone, but not me.

So can someone please enlighten me what Unit these two values are in?

1 unit = 1 cm . More info here: https://www.techarthub.com/scale-and-measurement-inside-unreal-engine/
New Vel variable is Vector3 which consists of three float values. X, Y, Z. Friction is also float, but I cannot tell which unit it corresponds to. You can find brief description here: Friction | Unreal Engine Documentation

Well according to the techarthub link Velocity is in m/s, that would allow me to run a test and calculate what Unit friction is in

What the website says is ■■■■■■■■. When I give the ball 100x velocity it takes the ball 15 seconds to pass 10 meters of distance. That’s 0.666 m/s, not 100 m/s. How do people make realistic physics in this engine when every Unit is seemingly ■■■■■■?