What to do, when you think your face might have been "stolen"?

Is there a way to search for your face?
If I scanned my face into Unreal Engines Metahuman program, would it be possible to search for a created clone?

I’d rather not give the backstory for this question. I just want to know if theres any way to prohibit the use of someone else’s face, who has not consented to it.

If you can prove in court beyond reasonable doubt that your likeliness (as the wronged party) was maliciously used for profit then maybe.

All other cases, no. And generally, if they make no profit you basically have no recourse, since all you can hope for is monetary retribution.

Either way you need to talk to lawyers, not videogame developers.

As far as searching. You can probably levarage face recognition basics to figure out who is who. I’m sure there is some search engine out there capable of it. However you really have no way (or data) to search against.
So the answer to your question is a sound No.

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Not really. If someone would post media using your face and you can prove it is your face then possibly you could claim damages. This is common when people use a picture of you without your consent but might be harder to show with 3D models which are usually mostly custom / modified. It is indeed more a question for a lawyer than the game devs here. I can imagine though that if another developer creates a character which 95% resembles you, your brand or your company in a way that anyone recognizes it, you could claim for the damages. Is this always the case? probably not. For example, there are plenty of parodies online of games, people, brands, movies etc which even use music owned by other people than the creators and apparently (please correct me if I’m wrong) this seems to be permitted to some point.

You are somewhat wrong.
Music is a special circumstance. A cover is not a copyright infgringment. Direct unouthorized use of a track from an Lp/Vynil without consent will likely result in legal proceedings unless it became public domain (some Queen for instance).

Object linkeness is a different story. See Call of Duty vs Hummer.

People likeness depends purely on who you are and how they are depicting you.
If you are President Trump and someone makes a parody of you saying outragious things, you cannot sue for libel, or anything else.
If you are Joe Small, and in whatever they made you are defamated by having aids or similar, you can most likely sue and win for damages.

Further, Character likeness in the US is dominated by having to vary at least 7 different traits (though this may be old standard and newer rules may apply). Basically you can have the exact likeness of Henry Cavill as superman so long as 7 other things are different.
Again, him being a public figure is much different than Joe Small, but legally it is very likely that the same rules apply.

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