This is a short version of the Animation:<新怪谈What They Say.>
Made by UnrealEngine5;2D&3D Integrated animation in real-time rendering.
I made this on my own,
Thanks for the powerful UE5!!!
Hey there @CainRoyce_1,
I absolutely love this trailer. Do you have plans to make this into a short film?
Hi CainRoyce!
I was led here from your Better Light Than Never “Chasing the Sun” post. I have photosensitivity, so it was a little challenging for me to watch the “What They Say” video. However, from what I could ascertain, you take a stylized approach to showcase your animation. I find it completely mind-blowing that you create your projects on your own!
You have a very vivid imagination made all the more powerful through the Unreal Engine! I’m looking forward to the next videos in your “What They Say” series! 
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