What that error means and how to fix it?

I figured out where the error happens but couldn’t understand what means and how to fix . Could you guys please help ?

You’re trying to access elements with greater index than the length of the array - non-existing stuff.

Not enough info here to help you fix this. Think about the part of the script that populates that array. It has only the element 0 but you’re trying to get elements 1,2,3 and so on…

I need to fix it . Its so important for me so ill give you all the info you want please help me .
Firstly i am trying to load a saved game when i click “Resume button” :
https:/ /blueprintue.com/blueprint/7s723prs/ ( delete the gap )
Load last save (custom event) :
Custom event posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4
savegame object and variables :

I get a reference from there on the begin play :
referance posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine 4
StreamingSave Structure ( where the error happens)
https:/ /ibb.co/0MTDMHy ( delete the gap)
let me know if you need more information .

I have solved it . I just add a default value to “Streaming Cache” . So annoying …
Thanks for your help !

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