I’ve have been meaning to really get my hands dirty in Unreal Engine for a while now. I have started playing around for over a year now with level design but have been wanting to get into Gameplay side of things. If anyone could help me figure out what it would take to have a fully realised character and playable character and the steps and processes I would need to take to get to that point it would really help in know where I need to go for the proof of concept for financiers.
Thanks in advance!
That depends what you mean by “fully realized/playable”. I have created many “fully realized/playable” characters. Some have taken minutes, some days, some have evolved over months. That being said, none of them are anywhere close to AAA quality and none of them are out on the market in any form or fashion. Which brings me back to my original point. To create a pac man type character and a game to go with it can be accomplished in a matter of hrs, to create a call of duty type character would take an entire dev team many many man hours to complete and there is everything in between. So it really depends what type of character you are creating and what you want it to be able to do.