I spent a lot of time trying to find this out but couldn’t find an answer for everything I’m interested in.
Some objects are destroyed between level loads, and some aren’t. The documentation gives some hints but I can’t find any info on some objects. Does anyone know which of these persist across level changes? (I’m filling in the ones I think I know)
GameInstance: Yes
GameMode: No (instantiated with Level BP)
GameState: No (instantiated with GameMode)
PlayerController: ???
PlayerState: ???
AIController: ???
Actors/Pawns/Characters/etc.: No
I’m primarily interested in single-player…if the answer is “No” to everything but the GameInstance, does that mean that’s the only place to store “permanent” info, like the player’s name, NPC attributes such as names/experience levels/strength, dexterity, constitution, quest progression data, etc.? So the GameInstance class would have to handle keep track of all of that data?