What should go into the DEMO folder?

Hey, so I created a Material that I want to put onto FAB, However I am trying to figure out how to organize the folders properly in the project so when I send it in it gets approved. It failed their check with the note of “Demo content should all be in Demo folder inside the main folder.” and I found this Epic page explaining what the Demo content is https://marketplacehelp.epicgames.com/s/article/Marketplace-Demo-Content-Usage?language=en_US

However I am still not clear on what all needs to go into that folder. I have the materials I created and a couple of maps showing the materials in use. I used the FPS template when creating this so that when on the map they could run into the areas with the material and look at it. So based off what I have learned it sounds like I need to move all of the folders such as “Starter Content” “First Person” First PersonArms" “FPWeapon” and “LevelPrototyping” into the DEMO folder. However that seems like a lot of bloat and I also get errors when trying to do so… I feel like I am not understanding this properly. Can anyone explain this more clearly to me? Thanks in advance.